FLOAT.F5906313.WMO = '5906313'; FLOAT.F5906313.OperatorFLID = '19327'; FLOAT.F5906313.Operators = 'UW'; FLOAT.F5906313.OperatorMetaln = '8457_19327.meta'; FLOAT.F5906313.status = {'-','1'}; FLOAT.F5906313.launchDATE = '20210124'; FLOAT.F5906313.launchTIME = '1838'; FLOAT.F5906313.launchLAT = '-59.9433'; FLOAT.F5906313.launchLON = '-149.9267'; FLOAT.F5906313.Ftype = 'Apex'; FLOAT.F5906313.sensors = 'IONpF'; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_pressure = {'DRUCK','2900_PSIA','11405364'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_temperature = {'SBE','SBE41CP','12315'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_conductivity = {'SBE','SBE41CP','12315'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_oxygen = {'Aanderaa','4330','3273'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_nitrate = {'MBARI','ISUS','0888'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_pH = {'SBE','SEAFET','0888'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_fluorometer = {'WetL','ECO_FLBB_AP2','5507'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_fluoroCHLA = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_fluoroBBP700 = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906313.sensor_cdom = {'-999','-999','-999'}; FLOAT.F5906313.ship = 'Revelle'; FLOAT.F5906313.CRID = 'SAMW21'; FLOAT.F5906313.EXPOCODE = '33RR20201226'; FLOAT.F5906313.ctdFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5906313.botFNAME = '-999'; FLOAT.F5906313.STNNBR = '63'; FLOAT.F5906313.CASTNO = '1'; FLOAT.F5906313.ctdDATE = '20210124'; FLOAT.F5906313.ctdTIME = '1315'; FLOAT.F5906313.ctdLAT = '-59.9983'; FLOAT.F5906313.ctdLON = '-150.0000'; FLOAT.F5906313.NOTES = {'2021-01-24:deploy:the float got tangled in the line during deployment. Rope did end up in the area of the top sensors. Using a boat hook on the other end of the line to relieve the tension, the rope quickly untangled and the float was freed. Neither Megan nor Charlie the restech think any tension was put on the sensors at any time during this and the boat hook did not make contact with them. Unfortunately there aren’t any photos or video of the deployment once it was over the side.',... '2021-04-26:O2:Lost O2 Cycle 4'}; FLOAT.F5906313.Adopt = {'Penn Alexander School','Philadelphia','PA','Aquaty' ,'http://www.go-bgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Aquaty.html'}; %% must have two percent signs on this line. Can put comment after FLOAT.F5906313.CCHDOln = '-999'; FLOAT.F5906313.EuroArgoln = 'http://fleetmonitoring.euro-argo.eu/float/5906313';